Monday, March 27, 2017

Group A - Assignment #8 - DSLR Line Portfolio

DSLR Line Portfolio

 Portfolio #1: Leading Lines and Dividing Lines 

Your task: Using Manual Focus Mode, incorporate line and leading line into 10 photographs. 5 photographs will contain leading line and 5 photographs will contain line(s) to divide up the page.

Line(s) dividing up a page examples:

Leading line example:

This does not mean you take 10 photos.  Take lots of photos of the same subject matter (i.e. photographing a flower - take 10 shots of that flower, experiment with angle, moving in closer, lighting, etc) You should take somewhere from 50-100 photos and then choose your best 10 once loaded to your computer.

  • Be sure to save these photos on your student drive.
  • Rename them (i.e DC32234 becomes Leading Line #1), edit them in Camera Raw and upload them to your blog. If there are any faces in your photos you must have their permission to upload their photo to your blog.
  • Name this blog post "Line Portfolio"
  • Label each photograph either "leading line" or "dividing lines" 
  • For each photograph explain why the photograph is a good example of leading line or dividing lines, explaining the way the lines are placed in the photo, where the lines lead to, the subject, etc.

Success Criteria
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Subjects are in focus, lighting is not over or underexposed.
5  5.5
6  6.5
7  7.5
8  9  10
All 10 photographs included and each photograph is a great representation of leading line or dividing line. It is obvious which photo it is supposed to be. 
5  5.5
6  6.5
7  7.5
8  9  10
Written description of photograph is clear and explains why each photo is a good example of leading line or dividing line, blog post is titled properly, each photograph is labelled.
5  5.5
6  6.5
7  7.5
8   9  10
The portfolio shows an exploration of different angles, subjects, colours, textures to create interesting photographs.
5  5.5
6  6.5
7  7.5
8  9  10

Group B - Assignment #8- Hall Pass

Hall Pass Project

 Hall Pass Project 

Your task (2 choices): 

Choice #1 - Create 3 hall passes to be used by all PJ Media Arts classes. This hall pass needs to include the words: Pauline Johnson C.V.S., Media Arts, Hall Pass, Mr. Gauthier, Ms. Phillips, Ms. Tonkin and a school logo (see logos below). The design and other images are entirely up to you! A good starting point is to include things like school colours, photos of the school, PJ related images or Media Arts related images. 

Choice #2 - Create 3 hall passes to be used by all PJ Visual Arts classes. This hall pass needs to include the words: Pauline Johnson C.V.S., Visual Arts, Hall Pass, Ms. Tonkin and a school logo (see logos below). The design and other images are entirely up to you! A good starting point is to include things like school colours, photos of the school, PJ related images or Visual Arts related images. 

Make the hall pass in Adobe Photoshop with these dimensions
Width: 3 inches 
Height: 5 inches 
Resolution: 300 DPI (pixels per inch) 
Background: Transparent

+ do not put any words in the top center as that is where a hole will go to hook the hall pass onto a lanyard. 
+you need to do 3 THREE different designs, make them all different and varied.

Success Criteria
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Images are in focus, font is large enough to be readable, font is balanced and informative.
5  5.5
6  6.5
7  7.5
8  9  10
The following words are included for Choice #1: Pauline Johnson C.V.S., Media Arts, Hall Pass, Mr. Gauthier, Ms. Phillips 
Plus a school logo is included.
The following words are included for Choice #2: Pauline Johnson C.V.S., Visual Arts, Hall PassMs. Phillips, plus a school logo is included
5  5.5
6  6.5
7  7.5
8  9  10
All 3 hall passes are great examples of Pauline Johnson C.V.S. and Media Arts (or Visual Arts.
5  5.5
6  6.5
7  7.5
8  9  10
All 3 are highly creative and original design, a variety of Photoshop tool have been used.
5  5.5
6  6.5
7  7.5
8  9  10


Student Examples:

Hall Pass Self-Reflection

Please complete the following questions in a word document and email to 

1. How did you choose to represent PJ and Media Arts in your design? 

2. Name two Principles of Graphic Design you used. Explain how you used these two Principles.

3. What were you really good at for this project?

4. What could you improve on in this project?

Total      /10

Friday, March 24, 2017

DSLR Cameras

DSLR Cameras

F A C T : A DSLR camera is awesome! At PJ we use the Canon Rebel, see picture below. There are so many cool things a DSLR camera is capable of but first there are some things you need to know about operating one.

What does DSLR stand for? Digital Single Lens Reflex. Which means that it is a digital camera that combines the optics and mechanisms of a single-lens reflect camera with a digital imaging sensor as opposed to SLR which uses photographic film. What are these optics and mechanisms in a DSLR and SLR camera? Well... since you asked... light travels through the lens to a mirror that alternates sending the image to the viewfinder or the images sensor, depending on if you are clicking the shutter button or not. See images and demo from Tonkin for further understanding of how the mechanisms in an SLR camera works.

Learning Goal: Use photography equipment properly and safely.

The following photos show good examples on how to properly hold a camera. The reason it is important to hold a camera properly is for camera safety and to have steady posture for taking focused photographs. Note the angle of the elbows and arms and placement of the hands in each image.  Typically, the elbows should be tucked into the body for stability, feet should be hip-width apart for a steadiness, right hand should be curled around the right side of the camera, right index finger on the shutter release button, left hand under camera, left index finger moves freely to turn the zoom and focus ring.

Label and describe the function of the following parts on your diagrams on the handout.
Important parts of the DSLR:
Mode Dial
Power Switch
Shutter Release Button
Zoom Ring
Focusing Ring
LCD Preview Screen
Playback Button

Monday, March 20, 2017

BONUS MARKS! Wacom Tablet Drawing

You need to have 5 out of 6 of the Photoshop tutorials completed before you begin this project.  Also, make sure you have completed the checklist! 

You need to email me you ORIGINAL PHOTOSHOP FILES .psd! 


Wacom Tablet Drawing - BONUS MARKS 

1. Sign out a tablet from Ms. Tonkin 

2. Install the driver for the Wacom Intuos Tablet (if it has not been already done on your computer)

3.  Find a photograph to trace from the internet. 

4.  Follow instructions from this video and then Export your drawing and post it your blog. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Images for Assignment #7

Introduction to Photoshop

Why Photoshop? Why not Illustrator?

Learning Goal: Develop and hone knowledge and understanding of the Adobe Photoshop CS6 program, its tool and techniques.

Open up Photoshop CS5 (64 bit) 

The link below is to a manual that has an overview of some basic tools and functions of PS. Click on the link and save this PDF to your folder.  

There are 6 tutorials you will need to complete:
1. Veggie (wo)man
2. Elephants
3. Cowboy
4. Bandana
5. Wonky Donkey
6. Go Nuts
*********** constantly save your work on your student H: drive as you move through the tutorials
+++++everytime you complete a tutorial you must notify Ms. Tonkin so she can check it off as completed

Use the following image as a reference for the Photoshop toolbar. You will become familiar with many of these tools.

You will need to save the following images as the starting image for each tutorial:

Tutorial #1 - Veggie wo(man)

Tutorial #2 - Elephants

Tutorial #3 - Cowboy
Tutorial #4 - Bandana
Tutorial #5 - Wonky Donkey

Tutorial #6 - Go Nuts

Assignment #7 - Photoshop Tutorial Checklist

Photoshop Tutorials Checklist 

Your task: Record the tools and techniques you learn on Adobe Photoshop CS6.

Step #1: Copy and paste the following list of tools into a word document. 

Step#2: Save this on your student file. 

Step #3: As you go through each Photoshop tutorial you need to record the function of each tool, in your own words, and find an image of the button on Google images to add to your document. This will be graded out of 40 marks.

Tutorial #1 – Veggie (wo)MAN
Rectangular Marquee Tool
Magic Wand Tool
Move Tool
Elliptical Marquee Tool
Zoom Tool
Lasso Tool
Magnetic Lasso Tool

Tutorial #2 – Elephants Blur Tool
Magic Wand Tool
Eraser Tool
Hue/Saturation Adjustment
Blur Filter

Tutorial #3 – Cowboy
Clone Stamp Tool
Blur Tool
Step Backward

Tutorial #4 – Bandana Airbrush Tool
Paint Bucket Tool
Polygon Lasso Tool
Pencil Tool
Foreground Colour
Paintbrush Tool
Feather Modify

Tutorial #5 – Wonky-Donkey
Liquify Filter
Spherize Filter
Warp Tool
Colour Balance Adjustment
Gaussain Blur Filter
Smudge Tool

Tutorial #6 – Go Nuts! Blur Tool
Sumi-e Filter
Feather Modify
Blur Tool
Type Tool
Warp text Modifier
Styles tab

Experiment with 5 More Tools

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Bonus Activity - Extra Marks

Blend Mode Assignment 

Post 5 of your finished blend-mode JPEGS to your blog to receive extra credit!