Monday, March 27, 2017

Group A - Assignment #8 - DSLR Line Portfolio

DSLR Line Portfolio

 Portfolio #1: Leading Lines and Dividing Lines 

Your task: Using Manual Focus Mode, incorporate line and leading line into 10 photographs. 5 photographs will contain leading line and 5 photographs will contain line(s) to divide up the page.

Line(s) dividing up a page examples:

Leading line example:

This does not mean you take 10 photos.  Take lots of photos of the same subject matter (i.e. photographing a flower - take 10 shots of that flower, experiment with angle, moving in closer, lighting, etc) You should take somewhere from 50-100 photos and then choose your best 10 once loaded to your computer.

  • Be sure to save these photos on your student drive.
  • Rename them (i.e DC32234 becomes Leading Line #1), edit them in Camera Raw and upload them to your blog. If there are any faces in your photos you must have their permission to upload their photo to your blog.
  • Name this blog post "Line Portfolio"
  • Label each photograph either "leading line" or "dividing lines" 
  • For each photograph explain why the photograph is a good example of leading line or dividing lines, explaining the way the lines are placed in the photo, where the lines lead to, the subject, etc.

Success Criteria
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Subjects are in focus, lighting is not over or underexposed.
5  5.5
6  6.5
7  7.5
8  9  10
All 10 photographs included and each photograph is a great representation of leading line or dividing line. It is obvious which photo it is supposed to be. 
5  5.5
6  6.5
7  7.5
8  9  10
Written description of photograph is clear and explains why each photo is a good example of leading line or dividing line, blog post is titled properly, each photograph is labelled.
5  5.5
6  6.5
7  7.5
8   9  10
The portfolio shows an exploration of different angles, subjects, colours, textures to create interesting photographs.
5  5.5
6  6.5
7  7.5
8  9  10

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