Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Exam Review

Exam Review

Your exam is worth 10% of your final grade. It is very important that you study. The following items will most likely be on your final:

The format:
Part A: True or False
-will be on a variety of things but will include History of Photography Questions

Part B: Matching Video Terms (12 marks)
-long shot
-medium long shot
-pan motion
-truck motion
-Extreme Close Up
-Close Up
-high angle
-low angle
-dolly motion
-medium shot

Part C: Short Answer
-will on a variety of topics
-Photoshop Tools
-Purposes of Photography (5 - to entertain, to inform, to control, to educate, to advertise)
-the final 3 steps to finish and hand-in a video made on Adobe Premiere Pro
-DSLR: Canon Rebel

Part D: Definitions (14 marks)
-target audience
-focal point
-DSLR = digital single lense reflex: combines the optics and mechanisms of a single-lens camera with digital imaging senses.

Part E: Image Identification (26 marks)
-3 types of balance: radial, formal and informal
-Portraits: types of portraits: profile, frontal or 3/4 profile, framing: full shot, shoulders and up, close-up, mid-shot, angles: low angle, high angle, eye level 
-Parts of a DSLR Camera Labelling: viewfinder, mode dial, power switch, shutter release button, grip, lens, zoom ring, focusing ring, LCD preview screen, playback button, automatic/manual focus switch

Part F: Reflection
Reflection questions on your final project
Favourite Media and Why

Friday, June 2, 2017

Culminating Project - 2 Options

Culminating Project - 2 Options

ASM 20 – Media Arts 10
Culminating Project

This culminating assignment is an opportunity for you to showcase the skills you have acquired during this course. You will have enough creative license in this project that you can showcase your specific strengths.  Remember to challenge yourself, always elaborate on your answers and give fullest efforts to your work.

Your task: Redesign Fruit Loops to become a new product (cannot be cereal). Imagine you are introducing this new product to the world. You will need to create an identity for this new product by creating a logo, new product name, slogan, photographic advertisement for a billboard and a 30 second video commercial.

Step #1: Brainstorm other identities for Fruit Loops, record 5-10 ideas on a page that you will submit.

Step #2: Choose an idea from Step #1 and elaborate about the new product by answering the following questions:
a.    How does the product work?
b.    What would someone use this product for?
c.    Who is your target audience for this product?
d.    How expensive is this product?
e.    How long does it last?

Step #3: Brainstorm 3 new names for this product.  Brainstorm 3 slogans for your new product. Keep a record of this on your planning pages.

Step #4: Using Adobe Photoshop, create a logo for your new product.  Remember to keep your logo simple, informative and limited to 3 colours. Feel free to revisit logo making tips on the blog: Logo Tips from Logo Project.

Step #5: Using a point and shoot camera or a DSLR camera take some photographic images of your new product to use in your billboard advertisement.

Step #6: Using your photographs, create a billboard advertisement on Adobe Photoshop. Dimensions should be: 5” x 12”, landscape style. This will be the world’s first view of the new product so make sure the function of the product is clear.

Step #7: Create a 30 second advertisement for television. You will need to include your slogan, your logo and your product. Be creative here! Create a storyboard and an idea page.

Step #8: Hand-in all parts of the project, see checklist…
-video as an .AVI file
-storyboard and idea page for video
-billboard poster as a .jpeg and .psd
-logo design as a .jpeg and .psd
-planning pages with brainstorming from Step #3 and Step #1
-written answers to questions in Step #2

Your task: You are a music producer introducing a new musical act to the world. Create a new musical act (could be a solo artist or a group). You will need to create an identity for this new act by creating a logo, new musician’s/band’s name, new song single name, a photographic CD design and a 30 second promotional video.

Step #1: Brainstorm music identities for groups, bands or solo artists, record 5-10 ideas on a page that you will submit.

Step #2: Choose an idea from Step #1 and elaborate about the new musician(s) by answering the following questions:
a.    What kind of music do they play?
b.    What are some interesting facts about the musician(s)?
c.    Who is your target audience for this musician?
d.    What do they look like?
e.    How is this band/musician different/more awesome than any other musical act out there?

Step #3: Brainstorm 3 new names for their first hit song.  Keep a record of this on your planning pages.

Step #4: Using Adobe Photoshop, create a logo for the musician’s name.  Remember to keep your logo simple, informative and limited to 3 colours. Feel free to revisit logo making tips on the blog: Logo Tips from Logo Project.

Step #5: Using a point and shoot camera or a DSLR camera take some photographic images of your musician(s) to use on your CD cover.

Step #6: Using your photographs, create some album art on Adobe Photoshop. Dimensions should be: 5” x 5” for both the front and back of the CD. This will be the world’s first view of the new musician(s) so make sure their identity is clear, the imagery is interesting and eye-catching. The back of the album will list the songs and credit the music producer. See examples below of front and back sides of CDs:


Image result for the oneders
Image result for the wonders cd

Step #7: Create a 30 second promotional video for the musician(s). Include a storyboard. You could do an interview with the musicians or make it more like a commercial for their first CD or tour. You must include the following information: name of their new single, the band logo you made, some interesting information about them, tour dates, etc. You should have a clear introduction at the beginning of the video and have end credits that credit your actors and yourself as the producer. 

Step #8: Hand-in all parts of the project, see checklist…
-video as an .AVI file
-storyboard and idea page for video
-CD album art as a .jpeg and .psd
-logo design as a .jpeg and .psd
-planning pages with brainstorming from Step #3 and Step #1
-written answers to questions in Step #2

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Knowledge and Understanding
-Step #2
-understanding of target audience, product concept, etc.
Answers to questions in Step #2. Limited or unclear concept, little to no detail.

5    5.5
Answers to questions in Step #2. Somewhat good answers, somewhat explained concepts, little detail.
6     6.5
Answers to questions in Step #2. Good answers, mostly explained concepts with some details.

7    7.5
Answers to questions in Step #2. Strong answers, fully explained concepts with details.

8    9    10
Thinking and Inquiry
-storyboard writing
Limited planning with 5 or less ideas brainstormed for Step 1. 1 name and 1 slogan /song title brainstormed. Limited storyboard with missing script or location.
5    5.5
Somewhat good planning with 6 ideas brainstormed for Step 1. 2 names and 2 slogans / song titles brainstormed. Okay storyboard with some/missing script or location.
6    6.5
Good planning with 7 ideas brainstormed for Step 1. 3 names and 3 slogans / song titles brainstormed. Good storyboard with script and location.

7    7.5
Excellent planning 8-10 ideas brainstormed for Step 1. 3+ names and 3+ slogans / song titles brainstormed.
Strong storyboard with script and location outlined.
8    9    10
-clear communication of the product /musician(s) concept / personality through logo, billboard/ album art and video
-use of camera angles are varied to better communicate concepts.
Limited communication. Camera angles are not varied or do not help to communicate.

5    5.5
Somewhat well communicated. 
Camera angles are somewhat varied or do not help to communicate.

6     6.5
Good communication.
Varied camera angles communicate concept well.

7    7.5
Strongly communicated.
Varied camera angles communicate concept strongly.

8    9    10
-well designed, simple and creative logo
-billboard as/album art/digital still are creative
-seamless use of Photoshop skills
-excellent video editing (30 seconds in length)
-promotional material
-creative video
Logo is a limited design, needs creativity.
Billboard ad/album art/digital still are not original, not seamless use of Photoshop tools and effects.
Video is missing a lot of promotional material, credits or editing.
15    16.5
Somewhat well designed logo, needs more originality. Billboard ad/album art/digital still are somewhat original, or not entirely seamless use of Photoshop tools and effects. Video is missing promotional material, missing credits, or editing.
18     19.5
Logo is well designed, simple and creative.
Billboard ad/album art/digital still are original, seamless use of Photoshop tools and effects.
Video is original, good promotional material and editing is well done.

21    22.5
Logo is a strong design, yet simple and highly creative.
Billboard ad/Album art/digital still are highly creative, seamless use of Photoshop tools and effects.
Video is highly creative and strong promotional material, editing is excellent.
24    27    30
                                                                                                          Total         /60

This final project is worth 20% of your final mark, so check that you have completed each step and met the criteria listed in the rubric.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

PJ ART SHOW 2017 Poster Design

Your task: Create a poster for the PJ Art Show 2017 that advertises this year's show.  See previous posters (of Arts Break, not the PJ Art show) in the display cases downstairs outside of the Geography hallway.  Create an eye-catching design that highlights the most important information first and largest. 

Make the poster in Adobe Photoshop with these dimensions:
Width: 11"
Height:  17"
Resolution: 300 DPI (pixels per inch) 
Background: Transparent

Success Criteria
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Images are in focus, font is large enough to be readable. The most important information is where the viewer looks first.
5  5.5
6  6.5
7  7.5
8  9  10
The following information is included:
-PJ Art Show 2017
-PJ Arts Department
5  5.5
6  6.5
7  7.5
8  9  10
Poster is a great examples of Pauline Johnson C.V.S. and the arts (Images and/or logos included)
5  5.5
6  6.5
7  7.5
8  9  10
Poster is highly creative and has a original design.
5  5.5
6  6.5
7  7.5
8  9  10
Well balanced design and optimum use of space (negative and positive space are both used)
5  5.5
6  6.5
7  7.5
8  9  10

Consider what makes a successful advertising poster for these events (balanced compositions, use of negative and positive space, choices of font, colours and imagery to communicate to the viewer, eye-catching techniques, etc.)

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


DUE JUNE 2 at the end of class

For the next week and a half, you will be working on one of two projects.

You may choose to do...


Here is a good timeline for getting your work completed on time:

Day ONE (Tues 23) - 1. Planning/Storyboard  2. Start still Image Ad #1
Day TWO (Thur 25) - 1. Filming   2. Finish Still Image Ad #1 and Start Still Image Ad #2
Day THREE (Fri 26) - 1. Filming  2. Finish Still Image Ad #2
Day FOUR (Mon 29) - 1. Filming  2. Start Commercial Critique.
Day FIVE (Tues 30) - 1. Filming   2. Commercial Critique
Day SIX (Wed 31) - 1. Editing   2. Media Critique Questions
Day SEVEN (Thurs 1) - 1. Editing 2. Media Critique Questions

Media Literacy Questions

MEDIA QUESTIONS Resources Lines, pp. 185-187

If the question has a “K” after it, the answer will come directly from the reading. If the question has a “T” after it, you must provide your opinion or thoughts.

Knowledge & Understanding    /17
Thinking       /19 
TOTAL     /36

1. What is the difference between hearing and listening? [K 2] 
2. What is the difference between seeing and viewing? [K 2] 
3. Define “thinking critically”. [T 1] 
4. What does mass media include? [T 2] 
5. Define popular culture (pop culture). [K 1] 
6. What does popular culture include? [K 2] 
7. Think about what would be considered popular culture right now. Make a list of five (5) things (new fashions, hair styles, new slang expressions, new toys, new film, new TV shows, TV and film stars…) that you consider part of pop culture right now. [T 5]

MEDIA LITERACY QUESTIONS Resources Lines, pp. 192-195

Answer the following questions in complete sentences using a separate piece of paper. If the question has a “K” after it, the answer will come directly from the reading. If the question has a “T” after it, you must provide your opinion or thoughts.

1. What is media literacy? [K 1] 
2. What does deconstruct mean? [K 1] 
3. The texts states that all media texts are constructions. What does this mean, to be constructed? [K 2] 
4. What is the difference between technical codes and symbolic codes? Provide examples of each. [K 2] 
5. Define connotation. [K 1] 
6. What connotations do you associate with the word house, versus the word home? [T 2] 
7. The text states that media texts usually have a commercial agenda. What does this mean? [K 1] 
8. As a viewer, what message do you get when looking at the Buick LeSabre advertisement on page 193? [T 2]
9. Define target audience. [K 1]
10. How can you identify the target audience after viewing a commercial? Provide one example. [T 2] 
11. The text states that media texts express values. Explain what this means. [T 2] 
12. The text states that media texts contain representations. What is meant by the word “representation”? [T 1] 
13. Define stereotype. [K 1]
14. Describe a stereotypical teenager. [T 2]

Live Action Video Project

Live Action Video Project

Your task: Using the skills you have now acquired editing in Premiere Pro and using a video camera, create a 60 second public service announcement for teenagers.  Make the topic of the video an issue that is relevant to people your own age.  Make this a video that you would find entertaining to watch but at the same time make it informative and educational.

Public Service Announcement (PSA) = an advertisement or broadcast intended to modify public attitudes by raising awareness about specific issues. A typical PSA is part of a public awareness campaign to inform or educate the public about an issue such as smoking or compulsive gambling. 
See some examples below:
No Kid Hungry
Cyberbullying BC

Student Examples: Body Image
Body Image 2

As a class let's brainstorm some other issues that are relevant to teens today:
-healthy body image
-eco issues! because PJ is an Eco-School! water bottles replaced by re-usable drinking vessels, Get Real Project - taking apart VCR tapes, Black Friday consumerism, turning off lights and computers, Earth Hour, Eco-Footprint, paperless classrooms, etc. 
-drinking and driving
-party safe

You will need to be in partners or groups of three. Consider working with people you haven't worked with before. You, your partner/group members will all trade places directing and performing.  Try to keep the roles fair as you will be critiquing each other again for this project.

Part 1: Planning
Create a production plan that will guide your project. It should contain:
-a film summary, which describes the main topic/story and a basic outline of the film
-a location and equipment list which highlights the probably filming locations and types of props needed to film.
-a storyboard which includes scripted lines

Part 2: Filming
-Show your teacher your completed production plan to obtain approval for the project.
-Use the video camera to film the PSA. Ensure you take care with all of the equipment you use, especially the cameras, get permission to use any school equipment, rooms or props.
-Ensure that all subjects that appear on camera have given you written permission to film them.
-consider how you can use different camera shots to emphasize feelings and messages

Part 3: Editing and Final Product
-Upload the captured footage to the computer and store your footage in the appropriate location on your student drive. Remember when editing in Premiere Pro, you cannot move the source files after importing them because the program uses pathways.
-Edit your video using Premiere Pro
-Content must include appropriate titles, opening credits, music, sound effects, and final credits. Credits need to include that the video was produced by you and your partner/group and "Pauline Johnson C.V.S Media Arts"
-Ensure that you have smooth transitions from shot to shot
-Ensure that your sound does not "clip"
-Titles should be sized appropriately
-The teacher must see your final production before handing in
-Render and Export your video. This project is not complete until it is in .AVI format and on the class USB!


Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Knowledge and Understanding
-proper use of equipment, film is in focus, steady and audio is clear.
-Proper filming credits
Limited understanding of proper equipment use.
5    5.5
Sometimes good equipment use.
6   6.5
Good equipment use, proper procedures and credits.
7   7.5
Excellent equipment use, proper procedures and credits.
8   9   10
Thinking and Inquiry
Part 1: Planning -
Production Plan
-film summary
-location list
-equipment list
-storyboard with scripted lines
Limited planning, information missing, lists are incomplete, little to no storyboard.
5    5.5
Somewhat good planning, some information missing
6   6.5
Good planning, all information is accounted for.
7   7.5
Excellent and thorough planning with lots of details, full lists, well-described film summary.
8   9   10
-Use of different camera shots to communicate mood and messages.
Limited use of camera shots and angles to communicate the mood and message.
5    5.5
Sometimes good use of camera shots and angles to communicate the mood and message.
6   6.5
Good use of camera shots and angles to communicate the mood and message.
7   7.5
Excellent use of camera shots and angles to communicate the mood and message.
8   9   10
-creative and original PSA
-message is relevant and interesting to teenage audience
-creative use of titles, camera shots, audio, music and editing effects.
Limited creativity for PSA.
Message is not relevant to teenagers.
Limited use of video editing.
10   11
Somewhat creative PSA.
Message is somewhat relevant to teenagers.
Somewhat good video editing.
12   13
Creative and original PSA.
Message is relevant to teenagers.
Good video editing.
14   15
Highly creative and original PSA.
Message is relevant and interesting to teenagers
Creative video editing.
16   18   20
Total                                                                                                             \50  

Please answer the following questions on paper OR you can send by email to pjasm20@gmail.com
a. My partner's name is ______________________
b. My partner gave good ideas during the planning and helped bring in/prepare props 0  1  2
c. My partner gave their fullest efforts during this project.   0   1    2
d. My partner and I helped each other an even amount.     0   1    2
e. My partner was positive towards me and our project the whole time      0    1    2
f. Our PSA Video is a good representation of how well we work together because I am happy with our video.    0    1    2
TOTAL                       /10