Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Assignment - Camera Shots

Camera Shots Assignment

Camera Usage: Your teacher will demo how to use the video cameras. You will need your own USB to use in the cameras as they are being used by all classes. You will need to take your own notes for this demo.
The following areas will be covered in the demo:
1. Sign out
2. Charging and power cords
3. Powering on, camera and play mode
4. Recording
5. Zooming
6. Playback

YOUR TASK: You will work in a group to perform the test shots, however, all members of the group must individually take their 15 shots.  When you are not shooting, you will be the performers for the person who is taking the shots.  You will film the following shots in this specific sequence. You will begin recording each shot and verbally announce the shot type at the beginning of each take.  Each shot should last approximately 3-5 seconds.

Test shot list:
1. Introduction shot: announce who the director is.
2. Long Shot
3. Medium LS
4. Medium Shot
5. Close-Up
6. Extreme CU
7. MLS then Zoom to ECU
8. Medium Shot with Dolly motion
9. Close-Up with Pan motion
10. Medium Shot plus Low angle
11. Medium LS with Truck motion
12. Conversation between 2 sitting people - Medium Shot
13. Subject is show to have small and weak qualities
14. Opening shot of a moving conversation
15. Reaction shot to a violent action

*Remember to be a directable performer, help your group members get the shots they need, listen and take direction from them. As the director: speak up! Direct your actors, tell them what you need from them.*

a) All 15 shots are completed in order and properly framed.    1   2   3   4    5
b) Voices are clear and understandable    1    2   3   4    5
c) Camera motion is steady, smooth or stable    1    2    3   4    5
d) Shots are held for the required length of time    1    2    3    4    5
e) Editing skills: smooth video with transitions, cut unnecessary footage  1   2   3   4   5 
                                                                                   TOTAL   /25

*Note that no marks are given in this project to creativity. You are welcome to create some sort of story, become characters, re-enact scenes from movies, etc. but you will not be marked differently for doing so.

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