Friday, January 27, 2017

Log Blog Entry 3 - EXAMPLE

Log Blog Entry Example #3

Example 3 - Animation 

This film was featured on NFB.  (The National Film Board) If you have not been to this website please take some time to do so! Meltdown Video
There are lots of great animation films on this website, so click the link for More NFB Animation Films.

    • Question #1  
  • What topic did you chose to explore?  
  • I picked animation

  • Question #2  
  • Why did you chose this topic, was it a previous interest or would you like to learn more about it.   
  • I picked animation because it is something that I would like to learn more about.  I think it is a neat way to tell stories because every frame has to be important and worthwhile to the story.  

  • Question #3 
  • Give 3 examples of where you find this type of media in your everyday life.  
  • I like watching animated films 
  • I teach the basics of animation 
  • I like to learn new ways to do things.  

  • Question #4  
  • Using your chosen visual aid to answer, what purpose does this media serve and who is the target audience (who are they trying to reach, mothers, kids, students, wealthypoor, etc.)  
  • I think this short animation is trying to raise awareness about climate change and habitat loss in a humourous way.  I think the target audience is large because this issue is easily relatable and there is no dialogue in the film.  

  • Question # 5  
  • Why did you chose the specific visual aid and how does it best represent you chosen topic?   
  • I like this visual aid because it does relate to a large target audience.  I like how funny it is but also how it addresses a serious issue.   

Log Blog Entry 2 - EXAMPLE

Log Blog Entry Example #2

Entry #2 Film and Video

Visual Aid: 

  • Question #1  
  • What topic did you chose to explore?  
  • I picked film and cinema

  • Question #2  
  • Why did you chose this topic, was it a previous interest or would you like to learn more about it.   
  • I picked film and cinema because I think it is a really interesting art form.  It is something that I would like to learn more about.  If I got a chance at a second career I think that film and cinema would be something I would like to get into.  

  • Question #3 
  • Give 3 examples of where you find this type of media in your everyday life.  
  • A lot of movies!
  • I watch short commercials on youtube that resemble short films 
  • In media arts grade 12 class we teach documentary film making 

  • Question #4  
  • Using your chosen visual aid to answer, what purpose does this media serve and who is the target audience (who are they trying to reach, mothers, kids, students, wealthypoor, etc.)  
  • I think this short film is trying to connect to teens at school and show them that you can be yourself. 

  • Question # 5  
  • Why did you chose the specific visual aid and how does it best represent you chosen topic?   
  • I like this visual aid because I think that it has a lot of different elements of cinematography, like great camera angles and a well planned out story line.

Log Blog Entry 1 - EXAMPLE

Log Blog Entry Example #1

Entry #1 - Blogs 

My Visual Aid for Blogs  (click on link to see the actual blog)

  • Question #1  
  • What topic did you chose to explore? 
  • I wanted to explore Blogs.  

  • Question #2  
  • Why did you chose this topic, was it a previous interest or would you like to learn more about it.   
  • Blogs interest me because they are so diverse. There are so many different types of blogs that you can follow.  I have been interested in blogs for awhile as I like to follow design and art blogs to learn new things and hear new ideas.  

  • Question #3 
  • Give 3 examples of where you find this type of media in your everyday life.  
  • You can find links to blogs on other websites.  Blogs also can come in handy when looking for other peoples opinions, for example when wanting to read reviews on movies, you could look to a specific blog that deals with that topic.  I have also found travelling blogs to be helpful and informative when trying to decide what places to go and visit.

  • Question #4  
  • Using your chosen visual aid to answer, what purpose does this media serve and who is the target audience (who are they trying to reach, mothers, kids, students, wealthypoor, etc.)  
  • Using my visual aid - - I think they are trying to reach a target audience of people aged young teen - 30.  I think they are looking to target creative people who like to experiment and think outside the box.  

  • Question # 5  
  • Why did you chose the specific visual aid and how does it best represent you chosen topic?  
  • I picked this specific blog because I think that it is really fun, creative and full of neat ideas.  I like to create art myself and like to find neat projects to do when I am bored.  I find that this blog inspires me and gives me neat ideas.  I also like the layout design, fonts and colours of this blog.  I like how you can click on different links and they will take you to other pages as well.  

Assignment #1 - Log Blog

LOG BLOG Assignment 

LEARNING GOAL: You are responsible to create a  blog using BLOGGER. This blog will be used throughout the year.  Don't loose your password or username!! Write it down now! 
You will also need to add this blog to your READING LIST - found in the back-pages of the Blogger site.


Step 1 - Creating A Blog 

You will need to create a blog using Blogger.   You will need to use a gmail account to do this, so if you don't already have one, create one now.  

In the top right corner there is an icon that looks like a waffle (yummy), click this and you will see the Blogger icon.  If you don't see it, click more at the bottom.  Follow the steps to creating your own blog.  DON"T FORGET TO WRITE YOU PASSWORD AND USERNAME FOR GMAIL DOWN! 

Step 2 - Log Blog Posts (x3) 

There will be 12 media arts topics to explore for you to record your findings in your blog.   

  • Choose 3 topics that interest you most!  

  • Create an entry/post for each of your 3 chosen topics.  (aim for 1 a day - this is due on Thursday, Feb 9th!)  

  • Find at least 1 visual aid and post it to your blog to best represent your topic.  This can include; links, photographs, videos, etc. *all examples must be school appropriate  

  • Each entry/post should included answers to these questions  
  • Question #1  
  • What topic did you chose to explore?  

  • Question #2  
  • Why did you chose this topic, was it a previous interest or would you like to learn more about it.   

  • Question #3 
  • Give 3 examples of where you find this type of media in your everyday life.  

  • Question #4  
  • Using your chosen visual aid to answer, what purpose does this media serve and who is the target audience (who are they trying to reach, mothers, kids, students, wealthy, poor, etc.)  

  • Question # 5  
  • Why did you chose the specific visual aid and how does it best represent you chosen topic?   

Media Arts Topics to choose from:  
  1. Video 
  1. Webisodes  
  1. Photography  
  1. Memes 
  1. Video Games  
  1. Magazine Covers  
  1. Sound Recording (music)  
  1. Podcasts 
  1. Blogs  
  1. App Design/Web Design  
  1. Animation Design  
  1. News/Journalism 
  1. Other - let Ms. Tonkin know first  

Check out my examples in the following posts. 



About Me
I've been teaching Visual Arts and Media Arts since 2010 in Ontario and in Thailand.  You may have seen me around PJ in years past, as I taught Grade 10 Drawing, Media Arts, Grade 11 Crafts and Photography.  In my spare time I enjoy being outdoors, travelling, scuba diving with my Husband and taking our dog, Ernie for walks! Creating art is another hobby I enjoy to do! I love working with youth, and have led some community service trips with kids from around the globe. Here is a picture from last summer of us doing some Taro Garden maintenance in Hawaii!   I also added a pic of Ernie!

About ASM20 at PJ
Media Arts courses not only teach you technical skills, i.e. how to use Photoshop tools, create your own videos, become an excellent photographer, Media Arts is also about creativity, can you learn technical skills and put them to creative uses? Check out some examples of how last year's students put their technical skills and creativity to use to create some awesome projects...

Course Outline

Course Outline

Pauline Johnson Collegiate and Vocational School
Course code: ASM 2O

This course enables students to create media art works by exploring new media, emerging technologies such as digital animation, and a variety of traditional art forms such as film, photography, video, and visual arts. Students will acquire communications skills that are transferable beyond the media arts classroom and develop an understanding of responsible practices related to the creative process. Students will develop the skills necessary to create and interpret media art works.

Teacher:  Ms. Tonkin            or                                                                              
Course Learning Goals
By the end of this course, you will:
- apply the creative process to create media art works
- apply traditional and emerging technologies, tools, and techniques to produce and present media art works for a variety of audiences and purposes
- examining, interpreting, assessing, and reflecting on media art works
- demonstrate an understanding of how media art works reflect personal and cultural identity, and affect personal, cultural, and community values and their awareness of those values
- demonstrate an understanding of the types of knowledge and skills developed in media arts and how they can be used outside the media arts classroom
- demonstrate an understanding of, and use correct terminology when referring to, elements, principles, and other concepts relating to media arts
- demonstrate an understanding of the socio-cultural and historical contexts of media arts
- demonstrate an understanding of responsible practices associated with producing, presenting, and experiencing media art works
Outline of Units

Unit 1 – Introduction to Elements and Principles of Design, Blogs

Unit 2 – Illustrator, Photoshop and Photography

Unit 3 – Animation Design, Stop-Motion Animation and Live Action Video

Unit 4 – Sound Recording

Unit 5 - Culminating Activity
Term Work (70% of final mark)
Culminating (30% of final)
Knowledge 10%

Thinking & Inquiry
(Planning, process of work)
(Oral and written responses)
(Art projects)
Breakdown of activities
Ø  Written test
Ø  Final Project

Additional Information:
·         Community Agreements-Mutual Respect, Active Listing, No Put Downs, Right to Pass
·         You will be assessed on your performance of the LEARNING SKILLS throughout the year. The learning skills are RESPONSIBILITY, ORGANIZATION, INITIATIVE, SELF-REGULATION, COLLABORATION, and INDEPENDENT WORK.
·         Always come to class prepared to work. Student will need to have their own 4GB USB and a 4GB SD card.  Students need to sign-up for a Google Blogger account as that is how most projects will be submitted for marking.