Monday, February 27, 2017

Assignment #5 - Purpose of Photography Blog



Your task: Demonstrate your understanding of the purposes of photography by blogging about each: a control, an inform, an advertise, an educate and an entertain. Find 2 examples for each purpose and explain why each image is a good example of that purpose. Your blog post will have a total of 10 images, several sentences for one image/category and a citation to the website you found the image on. 

Ms. Tonkin's Example:

I found this image at which is an image used in an online news article reporting on Hurricane Katrina in 2005. It is a great example of how photography is used to inform the public.  The photographer captures the flooding and electrical fires caused by Hurricane Katrina while using the main subject of a local person displaced by the tragedy.


Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
-student describes the context of the photograph and explains how the image chosen is a good example of that purpose of photography
-student has provided limited descriptions of the context of the photo and a limited explanation of how the photo is a good example of the purpose of photography
5     5.5
-student has provided some good descriptions of the context of the photo and somewhat explains how that photo is an example of the purpose of photography
6     6.5
-student has provided good descriptions of the context of the photo and explains how that photo is an example of the purpose of photography
7     7.5
-student has provided an excellent description of the context of each photo and explains how that photo is an example of the purpose of photography
8     9     10
-each image is well chosen for the purpose of photography.
-student includes a link to where they found each photograph
-images are sometimes good examples of the purpose or some missing
-some links are included OR are unclearly referenced.
5     5.5
-images are sometimes good examples of the purpose
-most website links are included OR are unclearly referenced.
6     6.5    
-each image is a good example of the purpose

-all 10 website links are included and clearly referenced.
7     7.5
-each image is an excellent example of the purpose
-all 10 website links are included and clearly referenced
8     9     10

I found this image at which is an image used in an online news article reporting on Hurricane Katrina in 2005. It is a great example of how photography is used to inform the public.  The photographer captures the flooding and electrical fires caused by Hurricane Katrina while using the main subject of a local person displaced by the tragedy.

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