Friday, February 24, 2017

Friday Feb 24th - History of Photography Web Hunt

History of Photography Web Hunt

 I am away today at First Aid and CPR training.  Just a reminder that the Logos are due today and the peer reflection form.  

Learning Goal: Demonstrate an understanding of the historical contexts of photography.

Use the following two websites to complete the questions below on a good ol' fashioned piece of paper or complete in a document and email it to me at  Due Monday.  

 Encyclopedia Britannica


1. Give a basic definition of photography. ( /1)
2. What unique characteristic of photography sets it apart from all other picture-making technique? ( /1)
3. List two reasons for photography being called the most important invention since the printing press. ( /2)
4. Draw a picture of a camera obscura and label the following: hole, subject, image, light, dark. ( /6)
5. When and who took the first photo picture? ( /2)
6. How long did the exposure last in the first photo? ( /1)
6b. What was this process called? ( /1)
7. Who coined the term photography? When? What words is it derived from? ( /3)
The Daguerrotype
8. What was so great about a Daguerrotype that was not achieved previously? ( /1)
8b. Daguerre discovered that an image forms on a plate of _____ ______ and that it can be "developed" and made visibile by exposure to ________  _________, which settles on the exposed parts of the image. Daguerre was able to fix the image permanently by using a solution of ____ _____to dissolve the _________ silver iodide. ( /4)
9. What did painters fear about photography? ( /1)
10. Daguerrotypes became the first commercially successful photographic process but the exposure time was still too lengthy for _________________. ( /1)
11. When, where and by who was the first photography studio opened? For what type of photography? ( /4)
12. By the end of the 1860s where had Daguerrotypes been used? ( /1)
The Calotype
13. What made the Calotype different than the Daguerrotype? ( /1)
14. Who invented the Calotype? ( /1)
14b. What does Calotype mean? ( /1)
The Wet Collodion Process
15. When was the Wet Collodion Process introduced? By who? ( /2)
16. List 3 reasons why this process was better than the previous photographic processes. ( /3)
17. What was one major drawback to the Wet Collodion Process? ( /1)
The Dry Plate
18. Explain the event that marked the beginning of the modern era of photography.  ( /2)
19. Why were dry plates so much better that the wet Collodion Process? (  /3)
20. What was the first commercial camera available to the middle class? Who invented it? What was the slogan for this camera? ( /3)
21. What was the world's first motion-picture presentation? Who? Where? Subject matter? ( /4)
22. When did the first practical colour plate reach the market? ( /1)
23. How is the same technology still used today? ( /1)
24. Describe the first colour photo. What was the first colour photo taken of? By who? When? ( /3)
25. Describe the first photo of a human. ( /3)
26. Why was Alfred Stieglizt important for photography? ( /2)
27. What is photo-journalism? (  /2)

Total    /62 /2 = 31 points 

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