Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Group A - Assignment #9 - Portraiture Portfolio

Portraiture Portfolio Project

What is a portrait?
-a painting, drawing or photograph of a person, can depict only the face or head and shoulders, full body

Step #1: Sign out a DSLR camera and get a partner.
Step #2: Make sure your camera is on MANUAL FOCUS
Step #3: Take 100 focused portraits of each other, which is 10 of each of the following:
                      -Basics: profile, frontal, 3/4
                      -Framing: close-up, shoulder length, mid-shot, full-shot
                      -Camera Angles: high angle, low angle, eye level
Step #4: Transfer and save your photographs to your student drive.
Step #5: Choose the best 10 of your 100 photographs = 1 of each type of portrait listed in Step #3 and pictured below. The 10 you choose should be the most dynamic and interesting of the 100. Choose a variety of facial expressions, those with a full range of values and those with balanced compositions. You will need to coach and direct your partner/model in order to get the photographs you want. To be a good partner/model for this project you must listen and take guidance from the photographer.

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Quality of Photo:
-full value range
-in focus
-balanced composition

Limited quality: some value range, unfocused or little use of balance in the composition
10    11
Sometimes good quality: some value range, some focused photos, some balanced compositions
12    13
Good quality: most photos have a full value range, are focused and show a balanced composition
14   15
Awesome quality: All photos have a full value range, all are focused and have balanced compositions
16   18   20
Exploration and creativity:
-variety of facial expressions, shots, locations to create a dynamic and interesting portfolio    /20
Limited exploration and creativity: little variety of shots, facial expressions and locations.

10    11
Somewhat explored and creative: some variety in shots, facial expressions and locations.

12    13
Good exploration and creativity: good variety of shots, facial expressions and locations.

14   15
Exploration and creativity: lots of variety in shots, facial expressions and locations.

16   18   20
Thinking/ Inquiry
Types of Portrait shots achieved

Check the examples again.
Half accurately depict the type of portrait.
5     5.5
Check the examples again. 6/20 accurately depict the type of portrait.
6     6.5
Good stuff!
Most of the portraits accurately depict the type of portrait.
7     7.5
Nailed it! All 10 accurately depict the type of portrait.
8   9   10
Total                                                                                                                   /50

See examples of the 10 types of portraits from famous portrait photographers below:

profile = side view

frontal = straight on

3/4 = head is turned at an angle


shoulder = shoulders and up

mid-shot = chest to hips and up

full-shot = full body

high angle

low angle

eye level

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